Timothy Clayton Smith

College Address                                                                                                      Permanent Address
880 Lalayette Ave. Apt. 38                                                                                           51809 Main Street
Cincinnati, Ohio 45220                                                                                                 Jerusalem, Ohio 43747 
(513) 475-9216                                                                                                           (614) 926-1243
[email protected]

Work Experience

1/97 - Present
Part -Time
Omni Netherlands Hotel, Cincinnati, Ohio.
Room service, banquets, and bussing.
9/96 - 12/96
Full - Time
McDevitt Street Bovis, Charlotte, North Carolina.
Worked in pre-construction with estimation of building structure, masonry, finish work, hardscape and specialty items.
6/96 - 9/96
Part -Time
U.C. Developmental Disabilities, Cincinnati, Ohio. Worked with a mentally handicapped man and taught him to use the Metro System for transportation to work, shopping, and movies.
12/95 - 3/96
Full -Time
Worthington Steel, Monroe, Ohio.
Maintained print and press files. Developed prints for high wear items where prints were not available. Assisted in the acquisition of a new slitter. Designed an office plan proposal for future office expansion.


9/94 - Present University of Cincinnati, Cincinnati, Ohio.
College of Engineering. Major: Mechanical Engineering.Class of 2000.
10/93 - 4/94 Fort McClelland Military Police School, Anniston, Alabama.Basic Training and Advanced Individual Training.
9/91 - 6/93 Ohio Northern University, Ada, Ohio.
College of Engineering. Major: Mechanical Engineering.

Activities and Interests

College: Varsity wrestling ONU: "Most Valuable Freshman" and National Qualifier, intramural football, Mountaineering Club, Boy Scouts of America, and Student Planning Committee.

Computer Skills

  BASIC, DOS, Microsoft Windows, Word, Excel, Access Word Perfect, Lotus, Matlab, Maple V, AutoCAD R14, Anvil CAD.


  Will forward upon request.